Leaderboard FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does the mint time impact my points?

A: Each position has a mint time, the time in which the position was initially created. The older the position is, the higher its factor potentially is.

Q: How does the position’s pool impact my points?

A: Different pools have different token pairs and fees. We have factors for special pools which get special incentives.

Q: What are the best practices for gaining higher ranking?

A: In order to earn points, you need to make sure your positions are active, meaning they are balanced around the current price. In case you have an out-of-range position, it will not be earning points (nor fees) until you rebalance it. Luckily, you can now rebalance in a single click, and no math diploma required for the calculations. Just click the ‘Rebalance’ button in the top right corner of your position card.